- Meaning: Clear quartz, often referred to as the "Master Healer," is known for its ability to clear the mind of negativity and enhance higher spiritual receptiveness.
- Healing Properties: It is renowned for its purported ability to heal any condition, as it aims to provide higher energy levels, improve the immune system, and balance out the entire body.
- Protection: Clear quartz is believed to shield against negativity, attune to your higher self, and relieve pain, and it is often used in meditation to filter out distractions.
- Usage: People utilize clear quartz to aid in spiritual growth, healing, and manifesting goals by either wearing it, meditating with it, or placing it in their living spaces.
- Care: To care for clear quartz, it should be cleansed and recharged regularly, which can be done by smudging with sage, bathing it in sunlight or moonlight, or placing it on a selenite charging plate.
What is Clear Quartz?
Clear Quartz is also known as crystal quartz and is a mineral made of oxygen and silicone atoms. It is part of the trigonal crystal system and has a vitreous luster. As the meaning of the name suggests, Clear Quartz is transparent and clear to white colored. It also goes by the name Rock Crystal. The meaning of Clear Quartz is healing and spiritual growth.
Take a look at our essential guide to healing gemstones and find a crystal that captures you.
The Master Healer
- From the largest quartz family
- Light bringer
- Powerful amplifier
The Clear Quartz Stone comes from the Greek word for ice and with its glacial like appearance, pure transparency, and cooling vibes, it’s no wonder that this hunk of shimmering quartz came with connotations of crystal clear mountains and frozen waters. Clear Quartz is an abundant mineral found in many far-flung corners of the earth, from Arkansas to Brazil and the vanilla cracked shores of Madagascar, this silicon dioxide-rich stone is known for its ability to absorb, store, and regulate the release of energy – exactly what you need to bring you back to a sense of balance.
Rock crystals are amazing, they come dressed in many colors and all hold a different range of power and possibility. From mystical ancient times when the world was led by magic and myth to our more modern world, Quartzes are one of the largest families of crystals carving out space in the mineral family.
But Clear Quartz is one of the purest examples and is considered to be the light bringer. It’s an amazing amplifying stone, meaning that whatever you pour into it, will pour out tenfold. The clarity of its many faces can spark memory, hone concentration, and bring your whole being back to balance. Let’s take a look at the Quartz family and in particular Clear Quartz to celebrate its crystal king status.
If you want to know more about the different quartzes or find other stones to soothe your soul, check out your essential crystal guide right here.
The Different Types of Quartz
One of the most soothing styles of healing crystals, the Amethyst Stone is a known healer and spiritual leaper. A nurturer of the crown chakra, Amethyst is ever ready to stack your soul with serenity and help you find your clarity.
Rose Quartz

A heart healer, Rose Quartz brings its petal-soft shades and gentle vibes to help you let go of old hurts and stitch up the wounds of your soul. This pale pink quartz is all about positive energy, deep compassion, and learning to love yourself.
Aventurine is a confidence booster in its bright shades of green. Nicknamed the Stone of Opportunity, you can be sure that good things will be flying your way when you tap into its lucky powers. Aventurine links to the heart chakra bringing gratitude, hope, and pure positivity to the table.
Blue Quartz
An amazing aura cleanser, the Blue Quartz is here to wash away your negative thoughts and bring a sense of serene revival to your soul. An uplifting and truly healing stone that connects to the throat chakra, Blue Quartz can also be used as a tool for better communication.
Smoky Quartz
Deliciously warm energy radiates from this Smoky Quartz stone. The Smoky Quartz is also called The Stone of Power and has a long and mystical history, often used by Druids as a seer, the Smoky Quartz is a light bringer, ever ready to guide us to the places we are meant to be.
A beautifully blended stone that brings together the healing powers of Amethyst and Citrine, Ametrine is the best of both worlds. For those who crave a sunny and serene outlook on life, this stone is ever ready to soothe the soul and soak you in the light of sweet summer vibes.
Snow Quartz
As soft as the flakes falling from the sky, the Snow Quartz crystal invites your inner child out to play. A sense of innocence and powerful cleansing vibes make Snow Quartz an absolute dream to bring into your life.
Pink Quartz
As pretty as a picture, Pink Quartz brings with it all the soothing properties needed to dispel feelings of anger and out of control moods. For those who want to welcome in a little extra light, some gentle reflection, and the open-hearted energy of love, Pink Quartz is perfect.
The sun splashed energy of Citrine is always a joy. This light bringing stone is known for its ability to awaken dormant dreams, bring an extra dose of success, and let golden confidence rain down upon your soul.
Tiger Eye
Get grounded, feel steady and safe, and let deep inner strength and courage shine when you turn to the practical magic of the Tiger Eye. Working to clear away negative energy, this stone is ready to tap into your third eye and help you walk through the world with pride.
Other varieties:
There are many kinds of Agate Quartz but we love the Blue Lace Agate that brings its negativity neutralizing vibes and is ever ready to soothe the soul with a clean wash of pale blue.
Fiery bright and ready for bringing joy back to your soul, the orange-red glow of Carnelian reminds you that it’s time to take bold action.
Cool summer moods and sharpened memory are gifts bestowed by the soft blue hues of Chalcedony. Ever ready to invite openness and rekindle a lost enthusiasm for life, this stone invites truth to flow.

A daily wellness stone that wants to invite your body, mind, and soul to be beautifully aligned, Chrysoprase helps you to restore inner balance by unblocking all the chakras for finer flow.
The dark and dreamy stone of Onyx is an exceptional healer and always ready to help clear out old karmic patterns to make way for new pathways to be found. It’s here to clear out bad habits and to amplify your greatest gifts.
The fertile stone of Red Jasper is ready to turn you into a live wire. A stone that brings great courage and connection, it brings endless energy and can raise your libido or your lust for life.
Strengthen the heart, heal the body, and let life flow through your veins with the bold and stabilizing energy that the Bloodstone brings.
Healing Properties

The Clear Quartz is a master healer, bringing with it swathes of powerful positive vibrations, deep soul cleansing, and enhanced patience and prosperity for all those who turn to quietly unique spiritual energy. Take a look at these incredible healing properties from the Clear Quartz Crystal.
Physical Healing Properties
- Stimulates the immune system
- Clears toxins
While Clear Quartz buzzes in the emotional and spiritual space, it also brings a whole host of health benefits to those craving some physical healing. The clear-eyed stone is a marvel when it comes to stimulating the immune system, kickstarting your metabolism and even helping in matters of weight loss. With its water-like clarity, it is highly effective when it comes to ridding the body of toxins too.
Mental & Emotional Healing Properties
- Protects against negative energy
- Stimulates brighter feelings
A shield against negative energy and infused with potent positive vibes, the Clear Quartz stone is a sublime emotional aid for all those seeking a long-term pick me up. This icy bright and luminous stone gets to work on the soul, kicking out the energy that is dragging you down and infusing you with a new sense of purpose and play. It stimulates brighter feelings and takes even the tiniest hint of joy and turns it into something larger than life if you are willing to let it. As mentioned, this stone is a master of energy – it knows exactly what to do with all that excess energy running around and where to channel it to bring out the best results.
Metaphysical Properties
- Encourages spiritual growth
- Connects with all the chakras
Clear Quartz is all about spiritual growth, it loves enticing you to look deep. It’s a crystal that connects with all the chakras, clearing out blockages, spring cleaning your aura and inviting energy to flow. Part of the Clear Quartz meaning is that it especially likes to stimulate the crown chakra. This is the chakra for those that are ready to connect with higher plains and to leap into the infinite possibilities offered by the universe.
Zodiac Birthstone
- Birthstone for Aries
- Good for Leo's
Clear Quartz is a beloved birthstone for those born under the zodiac sign of Aries. The Aries personality veers towards being highly passionate and ambitious which are both amazing traits but can lead to burnout without the balance. Enter Clear Quartz with its calming cool touch and its ability to regulate emotional overdrive.
Leos too are another sign smitten with fire. A sun sign and ever ready to shout their enthusiasm from the rooftops, the Clear Quartz is a great match for Leos who could benefit from clearing out the cobwebs of old patterns, forging clarity of mind, and being able to let go of the worry about what other people think of them.
If you want to know which stone is best suited for your star-sign, take a look at our Zodiac Guide here.
Using the Clear Quartz Crystal
Check out our clear quartz bracelet here
- Brings purifying energy to the home
- Taps into your own vibrations when worn
- Transmutes healing light and energy as jewelry
From gorgeous gemstone jewelry sending its healing vibrations exactly to your heart to crystal clusters, crystal points, spheres and tumble stones in the home, there are many ways you can welcome the cleansing calmness of Clear Quartz into your life.
Home & Office
Invite Clear Quartz to brighten up your world by weaving its luminous uplifting nature into your Feng Shui fantasies. In Feng Shui traditional practice, Clear Quartz tends to be used for cleansing and purifying energy. If you have a space that tends to get more heated, whether it’s the office after a big project or a shared house where tensions are tight, then using Clear Quartz to clear the air can be a magical way to lift the mood. Place it in shared spaces like the living room to bring a sense of harmony or leave it in a creative space to bring creative healing.
Of all the incredible ways to turn to the wonder of Clear Quartz, choosing to sport it as jewelry will without a doubt bring instant benefits to the wearer. A Clear Quartz Bracelet or any other kind of jewelry pressed directly against the skin allows for maximum energy absorption ensuring that the flow is going exactly where it needs to be without any barriers in place. Crystals work by tapping into your own vibrations and working with them to transmute healing light and energy. When you choose gemstone jewelry you can be sure that you aren’t skipping a beat.
How to Cleanse Your Gemstone

- Cleanse in water
- Charge in the moon
Keeping your Clear Quartz cleansed and charged is the absolute best way to bring out its boundless healing properties. Simply run it under water to wash away any blockages and use a soft dry cloth to polish. You can also set your Clear Quartz in a glass of mineral water to let it have a truly good soak. Remember that you may need to have a more delicate hand when cleansing quartz clusters.
Those looking to bring a burst of life to their Clear Quartz can leave it to charge under a full moon or involve the crystal in a smudging session to waft away old energies and bring about the power of the new.
Geological Properties
Chemical Classification | Silicate |
Chemical Formula | SiO2 |
Crystal system | Trigonal |
Color | Colorless or white |
Streak | White |
Luster | Vitreous |
Transparency | Transparent to translucent |
Occurrence | Abundant mineral in the Earth's crust, found in many types of rocks |
Formation | Forms in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks; often associated with hydrothermal veins |
Diaphaneity | Transparent to translucent |
Cleavage | None |
Mohs Hardness | 7 |
Specific Gravity | 2.65 |
Diagnostic Properties | Clear color, glassy luster, conchoidal fracture |
Chemical Composition | Silicon dioxide (SiO2) |
Crystal System | Hexagonal |
Optical Properties | Uniaxial negative |
Refractive Index | 1.544 - 1.553 |
Birefringence | 0.009 |
2V angle | ±15° |
Dispersion | 0.013 |
Other characteristics | Piezoelectric, often forms prismatic or pyramidal crystals |
A Summary of Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz may look pure and simple compared to the rest of its sprawling family but this powerful stone knows how to hold its own when it comes to crystal healing. While some of the other gems may lend specific properties or guide you, Clear Quartz has a deep built intuition that allows it to bounce off your own strengths and needs making it a dab hand at delivering on those quartz healing properties.
It’s a crystal that adapts to who you are and works in harmony with your body, mind, and soul (along with the universe), to ensure you get all that you need. In short, it's a luminous stone of higher guidance.
What do you think of the Clear Quartz? Does its luminous light move you or do you require something with a bit more color? Share in the comments.
Clear Quartz FAQ
How to charge Clear Quartz?
Clear Quartz is a stone that is highly attuned to the energies of the natural world. One of the best ways to give this gemstone its energy back is to charge it beneath the light of the moon. You can also charge Clear Quartz by smudging it with sage or palo santo or your favorite healing incense.
How to use Clear Quartz?
There are many ways to call on the healing powers of Clear Quartz. One of the best ways you can make the most of its energy is to wear it. Having Clear Quartz on the body can ensure that you stay connected to its high vibrations, positive powers, and cleansing energy. You can also place Clear Quartz on any chakra that feels blocked and let it cleanse and clear. Placing it in the home will also bring a lighter, brighter energy to any space.
How to tell if Clear Quartz is real?
A true Clear Quartz crystal will often be colorless and transparent. Sometimes the stone will have inclusions beneath the surface which gives it a slightly cloudy look in places. However, it won’t have any air bubbles inside. If you see air bubbles beneath the surface of your Clear Quartz it is probably glass rather than a real crystal. Many Clear Quartz gems will also have tiny cracks, lines, and inclusions beneath the surface unless they are of the highest grade of superior quality.
What chakra is Clear Quartz?
Clear Quartz is known as the Master Healer which means it can help balance all the chakras. However, Clear Quartz is also known to be connected to the crown chakra which means it helps to clear and open the mind to higher potential and infinite cosmic possibility.
What does Clear Quartz help with?
Clear Quartz is a glorious gemstone for clearing the mind, encouraging positive vibrations, and helping with spiritual growth too. It can stimulate bright feelings, boost your immune system, and ensure that you are protected against negative energy and well-equipped to make decisions, understand your inner desires, and find your joy.
Where to place Clear Quartz on the body?
If you want to tap into the healing vibrations of Clear Quartz the best way to do this is to wear it on the body. Wearing Clear Quartz jewelry will keep you surrounded by its positive light and feeling clear headed and energized. You can also place it above the head to cleanse the crown chakra and open your mind.
Can Clear Quartz be in the sun?
While Clear Quartz can be in the sun for a little while as it has no color that will fade, leaving it too long may cause the gem to become brittle or to crack. If you leave your stone in the sunlight make sure that you don’t leave it any longer than a couple of hours.
What is Clear Quartz used for?
Clear Quartz is a glorious healing stone. It can be used to balance emotions and to find clarity. As Clear Quartz is a dab hand at channeling excess energy, it can also amplify other energies too making it a great stone to wear with other crystals when you want to turn up the dial on their powers. Whatever you pour into your Clear Quartz it will amplify and send out into the world tenfold.
Can you put Clear Quartz in water?
Clear Quartz is a water safe crystal as it measures a 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. Generally stones that are a 6 or above are safe to go in water. However, you should avoid leaving your Clear Quartz or any crystal in water for prolonged periods of time.
How to clean Clear Quartz?
Clear Quartz is one of those truly unique crystals that actually has self-regulating properties. This means that Clear Quartz has the know-how and the power to balance its own energy and doesn’t require manual cleansing. If you want to cleanse it manually you can run it under tepid water for a few moments to let any build-up wash away.
Where to place Clear Quartz in the home?
Clear Quartz has an amazing purifying energy which makes it a good choice of gemstone to bring into the home. Place it in shared spaces and areas where people gather to keep the energy positive and bright or place it in the office to help with clear direction and decision making. You can also sleep with Clear Quartz under your pillow to encourage clarity and connection too.
What does Clear Quartz look like?
Clear Quartz has an icy look to it. The stone will usually have no color and be transparent although the surface can have a slight shimmer and the gemstone itself may have inclusions beneath the surface.
How to manifest with Clear Quartz?
One of the best ways to manifest with Clear Quartz is to program it with your dreams and desires. To do this, you can simply hold the stone with your receiving hand (usually the left hand). Get really clear in your mind about what you want and imagine the feelings and emotions and physical sensations that will arise when you finally get these things. Feel it in every inch of your body. Ask the crystal to help you to realize and bring this dream into fruition. Thank the stone and keep it close (either on your body or beneath your pillow) for a few days.
How to activate Clear Quartz?
You can easily activate Clear Quartz by keeping it in your presence or on your person. Clear Quartz (like all crystals) get a lot of energy from being out in the world so by wearing it as jewelry or carrying a stone in your pocket you can keep it tuned in and activated. You can also awaken your Clear Quartz by meditating with it or sleeping with it beneath your pillow.
What are the properties of Clear Quartz?
Clear Quartz has many healing properties that work across the physical, emotional, and spiritual. It’s major strength is an amplifying stone, meaning that it can strengthen any energy. It also works to keep your mind clear and cool, to balance your emotions, strengthen your immune system, and brings light and joy to your life.
Does Clear Quartz charge other crystals?
Yes, Clear Quartz can be used for charging other crystals. As it has a high vibration and deep purifying energy, just placing your other stones with this sparkly ice bright gem can cleanse and charge them back to their fullest ripest power.
How to identify real Clear Quartz?
You can check that your Clear Quartz is real by taking a good look at the stone. Real Clear Quartz will be mostly transparent but will have small inclusions or cuts or lines beneath the surface. It will also be free of any air bubbles. Clear Quartz should also remain relatively cool to the touch unlike glass which may warm up to room temperature.
Is Clear Quartz rare?
Clear Quartz is one of the most popular gemstones and as it grows in a wide variety of temperatures, circumstances, and spots across the globe, it is a relatively easy gemstone to get hold of. While it certainly has rare healing powers, Clear Quartz isn’t considered to be a rare gemstone.
Where to get Clear Quartz?
You should be able to find Clear Quartz from any reputable crystal seller. Clear Quartz is one of the most popular healing crystals out there so should be available in abundance. Always make sure that the seller you are buying from is genuine to ensure that your crystals are sourced ethically and are the real deal.
Which hand to wear a Clear Quartz bracelet?
You can wear your Clear Quartz bracelet on your left hand when you need to focus and absorb the healing qualities of the stone. If you want to cleanse your mind, clear your chakras, and find balance and resonance with the gem, this is the perfect wrist. You can wear it on your right wrist when you want to release negative or pent up energy or when you want to manifest any direct intentions.
Does Clear Quartz magnify?
There has been some belief that Clear Quartz can be used to physically magnify words but this is more connected to the shape and cut of the crystal. In spiritual terms, Clear Quartz has big amplifying energy and can also magnify the powers of other precious stones and crystals. When you wear Clear Quartz alongside your other gemstones, it will make the properties of those gemstones more powerful as it amplifies and magnifies energies.
What are the healing properties of Clear Quartz?
As a master healing stone, Clear Quartz has many healing properties. Physically it can help boost the immune system and clear the body of toxins. Emotionally it can help to clear out negative vibes and infuse you with a clear-headed sense of purpose and positive energy. Spiritually it can cleanse all the chakras and keep your aura sparkling.
Where to find Clear Quartz?
Clear Quartz forms in all different kinds of temperatures and in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Because of the abundance of which it grows, it can be found in all corners of the world. You can find Clear Quartz in Russia, Madagascar, Brazil, and the USA among other places.