The Importance of Healing Stones in your Life
Ancient magic, spiritual meaning, and earthly elemental delights can all be found stashed in the high humming vibrations of healing stones. For centuries, crystals have been called upon to help people find their way in this wild and unbridled world. By connecting to these precious nuggets of energy pulled from the depths of our land, we can sync up our body, mind, and soul and find luminous ways to live in harmony. Gemstones are so essential in our world as they encourage us to live in balance. They align the chakras, cleanse the aura, and even bring themes of protection and personal power. Whether you are drawn to gems that help you to root down and claim your space or if you adore stones that entice you to fly high, there’s a magical mascot out there just waiting to encourage your best self.
30 Green Crystals You Can Use Every Day
From deep luscious green to a soft pale shimmer, there are tons of green gems out there that can help you to achieve all that you desire. Which gem you are drawn to is a truly personal choice and one mostly based on intuitive wisdom and need. Each green gem dances with its own powers – some bring good luck and material gain whereas others stoke that connection to nature and nurture love. Find one that calls to you and fill your cup right up with these glimmering gems of green…
1) Green Jade
Loaded with centuries of history and laced in good luck, there’s a reason that Green Jade has earned its reputation as an awesome amulet. Whether business or pleasure, Green Jade is all about attracting wealth, perfecting prosperity, and surrounding you in the joy of good health and personal fortune. With all of this good luck comes higher self-confidence and protection against misfortune and misery. Find out more about the meaning of Jade.
2) Green Aventurine
The gamblers stone, Green Aventurine is definitely the lucky stone you want to be tucked inside your pocket. This gem is cool to the touch (a clue as to the type of energy it brings). Not only will Green Aventurine get to work and bring abundance into your life, but it also helps you to reclaim that which you have lost before. This could be financial loss, loss of love or any kind of fortune that you feel has slipped through your fingers. Find out more about the meaning of Aventurine.
3) Green Malachite
Malachite is the magician of strength. Nicknamed the stone of transformation, Malachite holds powerful energy that shakes loose stagnancy and despondency and puts you back in the driver's seat of your life. This lush dark green gem helps you to open up, embrace new opportunities, and move to exciting new phases of life. It also works like a magnet to attract positive energy and helps you to live in the light of abundance. Find out more about the meaning of Malachite.
4) Bloodstone
The warrior stone, this dark green and red-spotted gem gives us the courage and inner power, ensuring that our resources don’t run dry no matter what challenges we are facing. The Bloodstone was held by warriors in battle as it stood strong, granted protection, and kept them physically and mentally at the top of their game. This is exactly the kind of energy you need when finding your strength in life. Find out more about the meaning of Bloodstone.
5) Peridot
Glinting like a cats eye, pretty Peridot twinkles with positive energy. This beautiful vibrant stone is as fresh as spring rain and shares its colors with the first shoot of green life. In keeping with this theme, Peridot is all about raining down abundance upon you. For those who are keen to rediscover the joy in life, this gorgeous gem brings your body, mind, and soul into alignment. Find out more about the meaning of Peridot.
6) Amazonite
The stone of the Amazon warriors, Amazonite brings its personal power, rise in confidence, and own sense of truth to light. An adorer of authenticity, Amazonite does all that it can to help you connect to your heart wants. It works to break down those big feelings and overwhelming thoughts into beautiful bite-sized and wholly manageable pieces. It also brings tired energy levels back to beautiful flushes of health. Find out more about the meaning of Amazonite.
7) Garnet
Gorgeous Garnet is overflowing with vitality. Soaked to the bone in bright red, it’s a stone that instantly awakens our inner fire. Garnet was said to be the only light beaming through the darkness on Noah’s Ark – the shimmering light of hope. Since that story has been carried to the world, we see Garnet as a travelers talisman but also as a gem that deeply connects with the root chakras, warms the soul, and helps you to deepen your connection to others. Find out more about the meaning of Garnet.
8) Green Tourmaline
Forever soothing in shaded soft greens, this blend of Tourmaline is a dab hand at helping to balance your spiritual nature and your physical power. It’s a stone that ripples with shades of courage and calm. Green Tourmaline can also be used to brighten a burst of creativity, draw in all angles of good luck, and manifest the magic of all your dreams and ambitions. Find out more about the meaning of Tourmaline.
9) Moldavite
High vibrations and super intense frequencies mark Moldavite out as being an incredible green healer. This gem is your guiding light when it comes to the powers of transformation. Not only can Moldavite keep negative vibes and bad energies at bay but it also encourages psychic connection so you can see what the universe wants from you and make sure you are on the right path. It’s a stone of synchronicity and thanks to all those high vibrations, it awakens the desire to connect with the divine.
10) Green Calcite
Compassion, forgiveness, and a thousand heart-healing vibes are waiting for you in the glimmer of Green Calcite. Alive with lime freshness, this gem is a burst of vitality and reminds us of the importance of learning to process, let go, and find our flow. Not only does Green Calcite encourage compassion for others but it also turns that back in on yourself so you can heal, harmonize, and fill your heart with space and light.
11) Green Agate
Sink into better decision making and get flexible in your emotional feelings as you welcome the balancing act of Green Agate to your soul party. Green Agate comes laced with strong healing powers, it brings life energy rippling right through, making it a great stone for those who are trying to overcome lethargy or illness. For those who feel like they need a helping hand to hit success (whatever that means to you), Green Agate can be your go-to. Find out more about the meaning of Agate.
12) Green Fluorite
Forever a stone to strengthen your concentration and sharpen your focus, Green Fluorite is awesome at helping your mind to stay on track. For those who have a monkey mind that seems to be forever flitting, Green Fluorite reigns it all back in and holistically soothes and calms. It’s a gem that knows how to balance out all the chakras, inviting you to stand in alignment and to harness all that spring energy. Green Fluorite pays particular attention to the heart chakra, keeping you clear-headed, open-hearted, and trusting the process. Find out more about the meaning of Green Fluorite.
13) Prasiolite/Green Quartz
A stone that takes its name from the Greek for leek as it shares the same spring shading, Prasiolite is the name for Green Quartz. Quartz stones are sublime amplifiers, they take a smidge of energy, a fleeting desire, or a snapshot of a dream and they make it bigger. Green Quartz is a joy and its great at clearing out bumpy energy and paving the way for a smooth flow. For those who want to welcome more loving and harmonious vibes into their world, let Prasiolite become a presence in your life. Find out more about the meaning of Quartz.
14) Prehnite
Pretty Prehnite is here to harmonize the heart. This pale green gem comes with deep clarity and soft quiet confidence that helps you to use your judgement based on intuition and alignment with your own soul. Prehnite quietens the ego and reminds us to embrace humility so that we live in the light of healing rather than hurt. It also cools anger and brings calm to tension – both emotionally and physically too.
15) Serpentine
Just like the great snake, the Serpentine stone reminds us of the importance of shedding our old skin and habits so we can embody a new sense of self. We are ever-changing and growing and this glistening green gem whispers to us to be bold enough to shrug off that which does not serve us and to inhabit spaces where we can be our boldest, brightest selves. It also brings a thrumming connection with the natural world which invites us to move with grace and ease.
16) Tsavorite
A stunning crystal of growth and glory, the Tsavorite gem comes from the Garnet family and shares some of those rich and regal vibes. Tsavorite is a stone that leads you to see the beauty that is abundant in yourself and the world you create. It’s a gem that entices you to embrace your own destiny rather than running from it. With this commitment to owning your life and your decisions comes a sense of personal power and gratitude.
17) Zoisite
Said to be a stone of return, Zoisite invites us back to our own center. This gem is here to bring empowerment, wholeness, and indeed – centering. It reminds us that we can be our own anchor and no matter how far we drift in life, there’s always the option to come home to the body. This gem can also come mingled with the fiery element of Ruby, this marriage is exceptional for those creative types looking to reset stale artistic energy and to find meaning, courage, and life in a body of work that may have been shoved aside for a while.
18) Green Apatite
Brimming with the fresh life of a fine spring, Green Apatite is linked to the goddess Persephone and with it brings shades of celebration, joy, new life, growth, and abundance. All of these things keep us radiant and stimulate our senses. This gem eviscerates negative energy and manifests merriment that makes us feel forever lucky to be alive. For those who crave pleasure and play and feeling like every day is a breath of fresh air, Green Apatite could be your gem.
19) Moss Agate
Hanging out with Moss Agate is like taking a stroll through a magical fairy glen. This gem is all about bringing the healing touch of the natural world straight to your door. Moss Agate mesmerizes with refreshing energy – think spring rain or meandering through a cool forest on a summer day. Moss Agate restores tired minds and makes sure that you choose people and places that are compatible with your deeper sense of feeling. This stone wants everything to align and it helps you to release anything that has been holding you back so you can get to that place. Find out more about the meaning of Moss Agate.
20) Seraphinite
The divine feminine and connection with the higher realms is captured in the shimmering surface of sweet Seraphinite. This stone is glorious to gaze upon thanks to its shades of velvet green and splashes of silver. Seraphinite comes from the mysterious legend soaked Lake Baikal area in Russia and brings with it spiritual vibrations and light from your soul star chakra. While many green gems are earthy joy, Seraphinite is shades of mystical light and air.
21) Chrome Diopside
A stone linked to opportunity, Chrome Diopside connects you to the power of Gaia and brings grounding, harmony, and a deeper sense of commitment to the earth. For all those who feel like floating heads and who want to feel more at home in their body and this planet, this green gem can support you in that connection. It helps you to align your vibrations with the natural world so that you flow in harmony and leave no trace but learn to whole-heartedly coexist with our one beautiful earth.
22) Chrysoprase
Hit all the high notes on your way to the top as you carry Chrysoprase with you to help manifest joy, optimism, and success in your every endeavor. This colorful gem is all vivid shades of green. It’s awesome at helping the heartbeat stay in time and turns the dial down on any anxiety you may be feeling. As a heart chakra gem, Chrysoprase will wring out toxic emotions, plunges you into purer waves of love and happiness, and makes sure that you are balanced in body, mind, and soul.
The light to deep green and highly rare stone of Hiddenite encourages love, light, and a clear aura. This gemstone is centered around emotional healing but can also help you become a magnet for love. With its heart chakra healing, radiant green growth, and promise of prosperity, Hiddenite is ever-uplifting. You can use this gemstone to call on clarity, balance emotions, and attract all the love.
This yellow-green stone is known as a gemstone of manifestation. Gaspeite has a playful element that tempts your inner child. Despite this, it is known for boosting your health and wellness and bringing about a new commitment and energy in self-expression. You can use this light-strewn gemstone to surge your self-confidence and reap the health benefits it brings, including lowering stress and improving the beat of your heart.

Self-realization shines in this balancing gemstone of Andalusite. Coming in strong with shades of green, red, and brown, Andalusite can get you grounded and centered in no time. It’s a great gemstone for healing and stepping back into re-alignment. Andalusite also helps you to attune to higher powers spiritually and serves as a stone of protection.

The delicious green gem of Moissanite is served with a brilliant sparkle. This gemstone oozes clarity and focus and can be an excellent tool for honed-in focus. Along with enhancing clarity, it is also a gemstone of enduring love, as it shares similar properties to diamonds because it is durable and hardy. You can use this stone to amplify positive vibrations around you.

The pretty Pietersite gemstone comes dressed in shades and swirls of green, gold, and blue. It is a beautiful gemstone of harmony and transformation. Pietersite can fuel change and push you into a new level of personal growth. It is also believed that this stone can help facilitate connection to the higher realms as it works to activate inner vision and intuitive thinking. For those who want to welcome change, Pietersite could be just the gemstone you need.
A balancing stone in shades of light to dark green, Maripolite is here to ground you while enhancing your personal power and sense of strength. This gem has a marble-like quality, which makes it cool to the touch and calming to the eye. It can be called on to help you adjust to life changes, aid communication, and can be used to strengthen beautiful bonds with those you love in your life.

Open your heart with the sweet success of the Enstatite stone. Blessed in shades of green and brown and mired with yellow hues, this gemstone is a vision of prosperity and success. Enstatite makes you a magnet for wealth and wonder and ensures that all your endeavors are given the best chance to succeed. It is also a gemstone that inspires compassion connection and helps you strengthen those feelings of trust and bonding.
Gorgeous green spinel has a brilliant luster and is known for being a gemstone that encourages emotional balance and protection. Spinel is a solid projector from negative energy, and as a stone that encourages grounding and stability, it will help you feel solid even when things are challenging. Spinel can also be a crystal of devotion, and with its remarkable green shades, it cannot help but infuse your heart with joy and optimism.
Green Gemstone Benefits
Green and glowing, there’s something about this soft or velvet shade that instantly soothes. This is exactly the kind of energy that green gems bring. Green is one of the most dominant colors to be found in nature – from cool green and blue pools to the rustle of trees and soft lawns that entice you to sink in. Because of this connection, green is known for its calming power and for helping us to feel connected to this earth we inhabit. It’s also a color associated with the heart chakra – one of the most important chakras for building our sense of hope, love, trust, and nurturing relationships that heal. Green gemstones are radiant with their connotations of luck, optimism, and pure joy. They promote themes of balance and freedom and positive energy. Green paves the way with gold, it’s a stone that welcomes exploration, spiritual growth, and deeper meaning. It is our earth energy and instrumental in encouraging healthy everlasting change.
Physical Healing
Being a heart chakra stone, green gems love to bring a flush of health to your cardiovascular system. These stones strengthen the heart, the lungs, and the whole respiratory system too so that you can breathe deeper and easier and infuse every cell in your body with the beauty of life. Green gems also bring a burst of vitality. For those who feel depleted in energy, go into lethargy easy, and who struggle with a good immune system – green gems empower your health (along with your mind), giving you a renewed sense of strength. These gems also encourage deep restorative sleep, peace in place of anxiety, and a calmer mindset which is good for your all-round health and wellbeing.
Heart Chakra Healing
Open your heart to divine light, deep love, and true healing with green gemstones. Ever ready to soak your heart in trust, green stones shake loose any stagnant energy held in the heart and help you to overcome any past issues of heartbreak, mistrust, and any splinters you may be carrying. When our heart chakra is open we are able to give and receive love in ways that make us feel good. We let go of bitter behaviors and we attract good people and good things in our life because we know we are worthwhile.
Fill your heart and your home with green gems and you will instantly notice a difference when it comes to the quality of your connections and relationships. Green gems raise you up. They ensure that you choose partners who match your vibrational energy and they help to rekindle the flames of fiery connection. There is so much good in green gems when it comes to love; they help to build beautiful bonds of trust, they wrap you in a blanket of security so you don’t need to fall prey to feelings like jealousy or insecurity, and they just encourage you to be more open to love, friendship, communication, connection and all that sweet stuff that gives us inner strength.
The color green is often associated with money and wealth, making green gemstones a sweet symbol of abundance. Glittering in varying shades of green, these gems bring luck and success spilling to your door. As green gems help you to stay focused and energized when it comes to ideas, projects, and lifework, you hold onto that steam and get propelled forward to the finish line. This is also true of creative projects too. Wealth comes to us in many ways and with an open heart, connection to nature, and feeling of energy rippling through your cells, you are sure to feel a renewed sense of fortune.
How to Use Green Crystals
With this glut of gorgeous green crystals it's best to connect with them in both a spiritual and tactile manner. One of the best ways of doing this is to keep them close to your skin. Wearing gemstones, placing them on the heart, or holding them helps your body and heart to sync up with the vibrations of your chosen crystal. When you are connected to those vibrations, the gem can get to work clearing the chakras, protecting your aura, and doing that deep dive work that elevates your wellbeing.
What other gemstones should I combine them with?
Green gemstones work beautifully with pink stones as they are both heart chakra healers and complement each other’s intricate powers. Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Morganite and any of the soft pink gems make a great match for green stones. Clear Quartz will also amplify any energy from the green gems which is great for those who want to turn up the power. Black gems will also work with green stones as they help to provide protection and shielding for those who may be wary about opening their hearts and welcoming abundance.
How to Choose the Right Green Crystal
Finding the right green crystal means blending intuition with knowledge and your own personal take on what a green gemstone can do for you. These stones are known for their ability to boost balance, harmony, and peace into your life - along with being ripe with themes of growth and glorious abundance. Start by deciding what you want in your life and the purpose of choosing a green crystal. Do you want to attract wealth? To open your heart to deeper shades of love? Or are you looking for emotional healing and balance? Understanding this will help you guide you to the right crystal.
It’s important to know a little about the physical properties of gemstones so you can find high-quality ones. Color, cut, and clarity all play their role here. Color can vary in green crystals, and you may prefer a deep forest green stone or something paler with softer sunlit shades of yellow. Seek stones that have a relatively even coloring with few inclusions, and that play well with the light. Never be shy about asking questions about the stone to keep yourself assured that your green gem is the real deal. Green gems are known for powerful vibrations, so don’t be shy about leaning in with your intuition and following your heart.
Wrap up
Green gems have a lovely vibe. For those who want to live a full, rich, and glorious life, these stones heal heart wounds, bring joy, connect us to nature, and help us to open our arms to all the possibilities that the universe has in store.
Which is your favorite green stone? Do you like the deep swirls of Malachite or the pretty light of Peridot? Share with us in the comments.