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Copper Healing Collection

Copper Healing

Any type of healing is a complex and time-consuming process. So why not make it a bit easier? Copper is a reddish-brown metal that is said to have healing properties. It brings harmony to the wearer and helps them recognize and overcome barriers along the way. First discovered in Ancient Greece in 77 AD, copper has been used as money, mirrors, and even keeping wounds clean.

Benefits of Copper Healing

When it comes to physical health, it promotes blood circulation, promotes the healing process, and fights bacterial infections. Other benefits are fighting arthritis and rheumatism and improving metabolic processes. When it comes to spiritual healing, copper is famous for balancing emotions and making you feel as if you’re getting back on track. It will calm you down and lead you right where you need to be. By making you calmer and more concentrated, it enhances success.

Pairing Copper With Crystals and Wearing It

When paired with crystals in jewelry, copper helps you to soak up the crystal’s energy even better. Wearing crystal bracelets made from copper will enhance the crystal’s powers. If you’re uncertain about which crystals to go for, check out this crystal guide.

If you’re not into jewelry, you can wear copper on its own. You can keep it in your home or pocket in various shapes, such as copper cubes or spheres.

Cleansing and Cleaning Copper

Just like your crystals, copper will need cleansing to keep it cleansed of negative energy and serve you better. This process is straightforward and only requires warm water, lemon, and salt. Leave it in the said solution for a couple of moments. Rinse it afterward. If it looks dirty or tarnished, you can use a toothbrush to gently rub it.

What are your thoughts on copper? Go to our website and pick out your copper jewelry or figurine today.


Does copper have healing properties?

Copper for healing is thought to have many benefits for both your physical health and energy. It’s praised for improving circulation, the flow of oxygen, and solving problems with joints. When it comes to your emotional health, it will lift your spirits and guide you toward your goals. Also, wearing copper with your crystals will help you absorb their healing powers to an even greater extent.

How to use copper for healing?

You can incorporate it into your jewelry or seek stones that have a high percentage of copper in them, including malachite, azurite, turquoise, as well as chrysocolla. You can wear copper on its own, by carrying small pieces or figurines in your pockets.

Do copper bracelets have healing properties?

These can be a good alternative to having just a piece of copper in your pocket all the time. Copper itself has healing properties, both physical and mental. Pairing it with crystals in bracelets will provide even greater benefits. Copper will make the powers of the crystals stronger and raise the potential of the person wearing them to new levels.