- Meaning: Citrine, often referred to as the "Merchant's Stone," is believed to carry the power of the sun, bringing energy, creativity, and clarity to the wearer.
- Healing Properties:The healing properties of citrine include its ability to cleanse the chakras, especially the solar plexus and navel chakras, and to promote self-healing of the wearer.
- Protection:Citrine is known for its protective qualities, such as guarding against negative energy and promoting a sense of security and confidence.
- Usage:Usage of citrine can range from wearing it as jewelry, placing it in the home or workspace, or using it in meditation to attract abundance and personal empowerment.
- Care:To care for citrine, it's advisable to cleanse it regularly under running water, recharge it in sunlight, and store it in a dry, dark place when not in use.
What is Citrine?
Citrine is in the mineral class of quartz. It takes its color from the traces of iron in the quartz and can be anything from pale yellow to bright shades of amber. Citrine tends to have a hexagonal crystal system and in its natural form has a cloudy or smoky look. The meaning of citrine is focused on prosperity, joy, and energy.
The Stone of Summer
- The sunshine stone
- Beloved since 300 BC
- The power of positivity
The sunshine stone of Citrine is like summer made incarnate. The color of Amalfi Coast lemons, as bright as the midday sun, and with a slight vintage Hollywood vibe, you cannot help but fall hard for the immediate uplifting vibes that sunny Citrine crystals brings to the table. Bright and bustling, this stone is actually a special variety of quartz but comes soaked in a yellow color. Citrine hails from the highlands of Scotland, the flamenco corners of Spain, the tropics of Madagascar, the rich and regal lands of Russia, and the lush green rainforests of Brazil. Perhaps, it's these far-flung places that feed it full of good vibes, or maybe it’s just Mother Nature’s way of reminding us that when life gives you lemons…
Even as far back as 300 BC, the golden gleam of the Citrine crystal was beloved as a bright decorative gem. Ancient Greek and Roman jewelers would use Citrine to adorn rings to be slipped upon important fingers. But even as time ticked on, Citrine never lost its place in being a beloved jewel. Queen Victoria too loved Citrine and used it to make a statement in her 17th-century costumes. Later, in the new era of Hollywood royalty, stars like Greta Garbo would wear Citrine on the red carpet making it an immortal aspect of art deco style. Citrine meaning comes from the word for lemon, and it's that sweet and sharp citron energy that we adore so much.
But beyond being a beauty, there are many reasons to bring the splash of Citrine crystals and stones into your life. The power of positivity, a burst of bright energy, and bringing warm light to frayed nerves, Citrine is like a summer holiday for your soul. Let’s delve a little deeper into the sunny rays and healing properties of Citrine.
Citrine Healing Properties

Shake out maudlin moods with the yellow kiss of Citrine. Ever ready to bring good vibes and grace to the table, this sunny stone has an instant effect on the health and wealth of your body, mind, and soul. Natural Citrine is so bright and blessed that is unable to hold onto bad energy, meaning that you can always rely on it to take those tough times in hand and transmute it into something special. From crystal anklets to spiritual necklaces, crystal palm stones and crystal spheres, here’s how Citrine is a stunning investment for your health, heart, and happiness…
Physical Healing Properties
- Brings energy
- Helps the thyroid
Just like standing in the gentle glow of sunlight, Citrine works wonders when it comes to warming the physical body and bringing uplifting moods. If Vitamin D were a stone it would be Citrine for sure. Bringing Citrine into your life means that you can say farewell to sluggish vibes. An instant pick me up, Citrine brings a bounty of energy and can be an amazing gift to those who suffer from chronic fatigue or other conditions that run your personal resources low.
While Citrine is an energy giver, it doesn’t mean she amps you up into overdrive, it’s a stone that will pull you up by your bootstraps but not leave you out of balance. Citrine helps to keep the thyroid working well, stimulate a healthy digestive system, better blood circulation, and keeps allergies and all kinds of skin irritations on the down-low. Those who suffer from menstrual pain and a cycle that seems out of whack will also love the healing vibes of Citrine and it can also be used as a remedy against nausea too.
Mental & Emotional Healing Properties
- Helps release anger and tension
- Boosts self-esteem and confidence
It comes as no surprise that the bright and sunny mood of Citrine is all centered around good vibrations, excitations, and not letting go of that personal power. If you ever feel like you have lost your grip, Citrine is here to remind you to simply take it back with a smile. It helps you to crack open your mind, to release those tense feelings of negativity and anger, and to take deep cleansing breaths that help you to overcome muddled feelings of confusion, depression, and destructive tendencies. Citrine teaches you to put down the weight of all those things that no longer make you feel soaked in sunlight inside. Citrine can help you to fight phobias through the gentle flow of healing energy and knowing that no matter what, you are able to take accountability for your own safety and that you simply will not fail.
When you feel the flow of sweet optimism, this helps you to tap into those powers of manifestation. With Citrine on your side, you suddenly feel like anything is possible – and it is! You will feel your sense of self-worth suddenly rocket sky-high, you will allow yourself to drift with the rivers flow rather than feeling like life is one big upstream battle, and you will stay steady on your feet and even be ready and willing to accept criticism with softness and grace.
There’s a glow of creative energy that comes from Citrine too, making it an amazing gemstone for those who truly feel the need to kickstart their creative heart. It invites a sense of style and flexibility and when you are moving along with this positive mindset, you are suddenly able to attract things of great pleasure back into your life. Good friends, healthy relationships, and magical mentors – all the good folk are drawn to be close to those who wear this vibrant and sunny stone.
Metaphysical Properties
- Connected to the solar plexus and sacral chakra
- Keeps negative energy at bay
Citrine is connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra and the Sacral Chakra, and both these power points in the body sit either in the center or down low. These are elemental chakras that help us to stay grounded and glorious in our own power. The Solar Plexus Chakra is where we garner our warrior strength and stand strong in personal power. If your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked you may struggle to feel centered and your confidence will sit on shaky ground. This makes it hard to forge boundaries and also may mean that you struggle to keep negative energy out.
The Sacral Chakra is where our passion, creativity and intimacy sits close to our pubic bone. This is also where the well of our joy sits. If your Sacral Chakra is blocked you may feel overwhelmed like you are spinning in a loss of control, and this can lead to feelings of detachment or emotionally checking out.
As Citrine works to bring both these chakras into alignment, you can see it’s a really great tool for those who just need a little extra help staying grounded without feeling ground down. Ward off negative energy, bring your inner strength shimmering to the surface and let the hardships of life roll off like water on a duck's back with this purely positive stone.
Zodiac Birthstone
- The birthstone for November
- Good for Aries, Leo, and Libra
While you may associate Citrine with those soft summer days, this is actually the birthstone for the winter month of November. While surprising at first, it actually works as when the dark nights of winter close in, this can be the time that we crave the light the most. While it may be linked to the birth month of November, when it comes to zodiac signs it seems that Aries, Leo, and Libra fall in love the most with Citrine’s sunny personality.
Citrine works wonders with the nature of Aries. Those born under the sign of Aries can sometimes be a little insecure thanks to that competitive nature and this doesn’t do well when it comes to receiving feedback from the world. As Citrine helps you to stay safe and stable in your skin, it means that non-praiseworthy words will no longer rock your soul. Aries can also be highly driven and Citrine helps to channel that energy into something purely positive.
Librans, on the other hand, take different powers from turning to Citrine as a zodiac stone. Librans are shapeshifters and can be indecisive as they love to fit in and not make the ‘wrong’ decision. Citrine is an amazing stone for helping this sign align with their own intuitive power and to recognize the weight and wonder of their own inner strength. Wearing zodiac bracelets
Using Citrine
Check out our healing Citrine Bracelet!
- Wear to surround yourself in positive energy
- Place in the home for abundance and luck
There are several ways to bring the sunny light of Citrine into your life. Whether you adorn yourself in gemstone jewelry like the queens and Hollywood greats of old or if you find a few stunning stones for Feng Shui or to build an altar, Citrine deserves a place of purpose in everyone’s life, as let’s face it – we all get dark sometimes. Here are the best ways to bring the dazzling warmth of Citrine into your heart and home…
Home & Office
Citrine is a stunning stone to have around the home as it instantly creates an atmosphere that you want to stay in. If you have any corners or rooms in your house that seem to have a melancholy feel than others, Citrine could be the dash of sunshine you need. As Citrine is also known as the Merchants Stone it helps you to manifest more, it could also be a wise idea to put Citrine in the office as it can help your money tree to bloom into beautiful being. Being a stone that kicks out negativity and stress and helps you to transmute your own power to the world, its no wonder that Citrine is a secret weapon in the world of business or simply in attracting exactly what you need and want.
For thousands of years, the glory of Citrine has been used as a centerpiece in stunning jewelry and even to this very day, jewelers and artisans want to continue to honor this incredible stone. One of the many benefits of choosing jewelry as a way to bring Citrine into your life is because it vibrates directly against the skin. When you choose Citrine Bracelets to sit against the skin, there is no barrier and your body is better able to absorb the powerful energy of the healing crystal.
If you are looking for other stones that beautifully complement Citrine then be sure to turn to Amethyst with her serene soft vibes. Other stones include Rose Quartz for upping those levels of self-love, Agate for mental strength and clarity, Labradorite for preserving the sanity of the soul, Fluorite for her rainbow moods, and Sunstone for even more golden warmth. Topaz, Smoky Quartz, and Tourmaline are other stones that easily make a great match for the yellow citrine stone.
How to Cleanse Your Citrine Stone

- Cleanse with water
- Charge with a yellow candle
Keeping your Citrine clean and charged is important if you want to get the highest levels of healing. Even though Citrine is one of the only stones to be able to shake off toxic energy rather than holding it, it doesn’t mean that a little pick me up isn’t sometimes good for the golden yellow stone. Simply clean with lukewarm soapy water and dry thoroughly. Try not to expose your Citrine to too much direct heat as it’s a sunny stone in itself and doesn’t require any additional warmth. If you want to recharge the batteries of your bright and bursting Citrine then burn a yellow candle next to it at dawn or leave it in the company of Selenite crystals.
Geological Properties
Chemical Classification | Variety of quartz |
Chemical Formula | SiO2 |
Crystal System | Trigonal |
Color | Yellow to brownish-red |
Streak | White |
Luster | Vitreous |
Transparency | Transparent to translucent |
Occurrence | Brazil, Madagascar, Russia, USA |
Formation | Hydrothermal, igneous, and sedimentary |
Diaphaneity | Transparent to translucent |
Cleavage | None |
Mohs Hardness | 7 |
Specific Gravity | 2.65 |
Diagnostic Properties | Color, transparency, crystal habit |
Chemical Composition | Silicon dioxide (SiO2) |
Crystal System | Trigonal |
Optical Properties | Uniaxial negative |
Refractive Index | 1.544–1.553 |
Birefringence | 0.009 |
2V Angle | ± 28° |
Dispersion | 0.013 |
Other Characteristics | Piezoelectric, pyroelectric |
Final Thoughts on the Citrine Stone
Citrine is honey, love, lemons, and all things good. It’s a gorgeous stone of abundance and doesn’t shy away from helping us achieve exactly what we deserve and want. Many people turn to Citrine to help them manifest more wealth. This can be done both in a monetary sense but also when it comes to stronger health, or an abundance of positive vibes so are less likely to get ground down by the trying paths the world sometimes makes us walk down. With this stone pulsing against your wrist you can be sure that your personal power is never out of reach again. Self-esteem, self-confidence, and pints upon pints of positive energy are ready to flow through when you turn to the crystal healing of this quartz crystal.
Say hell yeah to feeling good and go for gold with the bright and burning energy of the sunny Citrine Stone. What do you think about Citrine? Are you drawn to its dreamy disposition? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.
Citrine FAQs
What does citrine do?
Citrine is a bright and sunny gemstone that radiates with positive energy. For those who want to lift their energy levels up, live in the light, and welcome abundance and better luck into their world - Citrine is an amazing stone to keep close by. It can also help unblock the sacral and solar plexus chakras too.
What is citrine good for?
Citrine is a good gemstone for when you need a burst of brightness. This summer vibe stone is all about shifting negative energy and leading you away from darkness, depressive thoughts, and the overbearing hand of anxiety. It is also good for physical healing and for clearing blockages in the creative and sensual chakras of the solar plexus and the sacral chakra.
How to cleanse citrine?
You can cleanse Citrine simply by running it under tepid water to discharge any built up or stagnant energy. You can also smudge your citrine stone with palo santo or with sage smudging. If you want to naturally cleanse your citrine, you can also leave it in the presence of other cleansing gemstones like Selenite or Clear Quartz.
What is citrine?
Citrine is a golden yellow gemstone that is a form of mineral quartz. It gets its yellow glow from traces of iron which is why it’s color intensity can vary from pale gold to deepest amber. Citrine naturally has a cloudy or opaque look to it and it is part of the hexagonal crystal system. Spiritually, Citrine is known to be a stone of prosperity, positivity, and joy.
How to charge citrine?
Razz up your citrine stone naturally by burning a yellow candle beside it. Citrine reacts well to the vibes of flame and fire and will naturally recharge in the presence of that element. Other ways to charge Citrine include leaving it with charging stones like Clear Quartz and Selenite.
What chakra is citrine?
Citrine is connected to the sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakras. Both of these lower chakras are related to themes of self-confidence, inner strength, sensuality, play, and creative purpose. When these chakras are open and clear, you can tap into your warrior spirit, nurture your inner child, and find light and joy in life.
What color is citrine?
As the name suggests, Citrine is a bright and sunny stone that comes in various shades of yellow or gold. The color of citrine can vary - it can be bright and blonde or it can be smoky yellow or even darker hues of amber. The intensity of the yellow or gold coloring depends on how much iron is stashed inside the mineral.
How to tell if citrine is real?
One of the best ways of telling if Citrine is real is to take a look at the color of the gemstone. Citrine stones tend to have an even color scheme across them and won’t have any drastic shifts in shade throughout. You can also check for air bubbles beneath the surface - if you see air bubbles it may be that you are holding colored glass rather than Citrine. Citrine may also be clear or smoky but won’t have many visible inclusions beneath the surface.
What is citrine used for?
Citrine is used to bring good vibes, raise energy levels, clear out the sacral and solar plexus chakras, and to attract wealth and abundance into your world. For those who want to step into the light and live a richer, more positive, and playful life - Citrine could be the perfect stone to take you on that journey.
How to use citrine to attract money?
Citrine is known as a stone of wealth and abundance as it works to help manifest your dreams, shift your mindset, and help you to reap the benefits. If you want to use Citrine to attract money you can place a piece of Citrine into your purse or pocket or wherever you tend to keep your cash flow. You can also keep Citrine in your workspace to promote an energy of productivity and to manifest new clients and great success.
What does citrine look like?
You can tell a citrine stone by the yellow or gold coloring of the gem. It can be anything between pale yellow or amber fire. Citrine crystals are almost always transparent and have a high clarity. They have an even hue and are part of the hexagonal crystal system. If the stone is yellow, clear, and has a vitreous luster - it's probably citrine.
How much is citrine worth?
You can pay between $10 and $30 per carat for citrine depending on the quality and cut of the stone. Citrine is actually considered to be quite a rare gem in nature and most of the pieces sold on the modern market will be heat treated amethyst or smoky quartz.
How to use citrine?
If you want to surround yourself in the light and joyful energy of citrine you can wear it as jewelry. Having citrine next to the skin will help raise your own vibrations, clear your chakras, and keep you feeling emotionally warm and light of mind. You can also use Citrine in meditation practice by holding the stone during visualization techniques. Citrine can be used in reiki healing and to balance the chakras - especially when you place citrine on your solar plexus or sacral chakra area. You can also bring citrine into your home or workspace to boost positivity and productivity.
Is citrine a quartz?
Yes, Citrine is a member of the quartz family. It is in the same family as the likes of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, and Smoky Quartz. Citrine is a yellow colored quartz and has an energy of being vibrant and happy and welcoming in abundance.
Is citrine expensive?
Although natural citrine is a rare stone that isn’t often found in nature, citrine can be relatively affordable. It’s also not uncommon to get amethyst and smoky quartz that have been heat treated (naturally or man-made) until they turn to gold and are sold as citrine. The more natural the citrine, the more expensive it is. As citrine is a stone without many inclusions this also adds to its worth. You can expect to pay between $10 and $30 or more per carat of citrine, depending on the quality, cut, and size of the stone.
What does citrine mean?
The citrine stone takes its name from the old French word for lemon. It is most probably called this because it has a yellow coloring that can range from sunshine-bright citrus shades to deeper amber and earthy hues. Citrine also captures summer energy and is known for its positive vibes and vibrant energy.
Where is citrine found?
Citrine comes from all around the world. You can find it everywhere from Scotland to Brazil, along with Spain, Madagascar, and Russia.
Where to place citrine in the home?
Citrine is a great stone to bring into the home, especially if you want to nurture a positive, loving, and playful space. You can place your Citrine gem into any shared space that would benefit from positive energy. You can also put Citrine in your workspace to encourage creative thinking, wealth, focus, energy and abundance.
What is citrine stone?
Citrine is a crystal that is a member of the quartz mineral class. It is known for its bright and sunny energy and comes in shades of yellow, gold, or amber. It takes its name from the old French word for lemon. The citrine stone is celebrated for being a crystal of comfort, joy, and positive moods. It also helps to clear out blockages from the lower chakras and is said to bring in wealth and abundance to those who wear it.
Can citrine be in the sun?
Citrine is a sunny and bright stone which means it already comes laced in its own warmth. While it has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale you shouldn’t leave Citrine in the sun. This is because Citrine is one of the fastest stones to lose its color in direct light so sun exposure will lead to fading.
Does citrine need to be cleansed?
Yes, like most energetic crystals out there, Citrine truly benefits from being cleansed and charged on a regular basis. Even though Citrine doesn’t hold negative energy and therefore is considered to need flushing less than other stones, you should still cleanse it on a regular basis to keep it bright and ready and to show it some TLC.
How is citrine formed?
Natural citrine forms in a similar fashion to other forms of quartz - it is made from silicon and oxygen and it gets its yellow color from trace impurities of iron. As natural citrine is so rare, a lot of the citrine on the modern market is made from heat treating amethyst or smoky quartz until it turns a golden or amber shade.
How to clean citrine crystal?
Keep your citrine cleansed in a simple manner with just a little soap and water. Running it under tepid water is a great way of discharging any built up energy from the stone. You can also cleanse it using smudging or sound bath techniques.
Where does citrine come from?
Natural citrine can be found in some very special corners of the world. You can find it in the Ural Mountains of Russia, you can find it in tropical spots like Madagascar and Brazil, and you can also find it on the European shores of Spain and even Scotland.
Where to buy real citrine?
You should be able to pick up Citrine from any reputable gem seller. Despite its affordable cost and its popularity, Citrine isn’t a stone that is found in abundance in nature. Often Amethyst and Smoky Quartz can be heat treated and sold as citrine and colored glass can also be sold as citrine. If you want the real deal, ask at your local crystal sellers to make sure you are getting a bonafide citrine stone as mother nature intended.
Are citrines valuable?
Citrine is considered to be a semi-precious gem. This is because it isn’t common to find golden yellow citrine in nature. However, despite its relative rarity, you can still pick up citrine for an affordable price. You can expect to pay between $10 and $30 per carat of citrine - although this cost will vary depending on the quality, size, and cut of the gemstone.
How to tell real citrine from glass?
One of the best ways of spotting if your citrine crystal is glass is to check the surface of the stone and see if there are air bubbles underneath. Real crystals won’t have air bubbles whereas colored glass will.
Is citrine a type of quartz?
Yes, Citrine is a type of quartz. It belongs to the same family as other quartz crystals such as clear quartz, smoky quartz, rose quartz, and amethyst. It takes its golden yellow shades from traces of iron impurities that get tangled up in the formation process. Citrine shares many healing benefits with other quartz gems but is known for its positive powers and sunny disposition.
What does citrine gemstone mean?
Citrine takes its name from the old french word for lemon. This is because this gorgeous gold glowing gem has the same hue as lemons and is just as sunny and bright as the citrus fruit. Citrine is a stone that is all about summer energy - radiant, positive, and sparkling with joy, the citrine crystal is forever an uplifting presence in your life.
Where is citrine mined?
Natural citrine is mined in the Ural Mountains of Russia. It can also be mined in Madagascar, Brazil, Spain, and even Scotland. The USA also has some citrine deposits which can be found in California, Colorado, and North Carolina.
Does citrine help with sleep?
Citrine is known to be a bright and sunny stone and for those who struggle with settling into sleep or who fear letting go in the darkness, citrine can help. This is a great stone for helping ease nightmares. Another benefit of having citrine close by while sleeping is that it continues to work its magic and attract abundance even when you are resting.
Does heat treated citrine work?
Yes, heat treated citrine still works beautifully. This gorgeous gem is rare in nature and so much of the citrine on the modern market is heat treated amethyst. This is simply a replica of what happens in nature so heat treated citrine still has all that powerful joy, prosperity, and endless energy that is sure to lift you up.
Is citrine good for sleep?
Despite its energetic nature, citrine is a good stone to keep close while you sleep. Placing it beneath the pillow will help you to attract wealth, success, and prosperity. It can also help you to overcome darkness in dreams and to find new pathways to facing challenges all while you rest easy.
What is a citrine crystal?
Citrine is a popular and gorgeous golden yellow kind of quartz crystal. It comes from the same family as amethyst, smoky quartz, rose quartz, and clear quartz. It is a gemstone known for its big positive energy and for helping cleanse the sacral and the solar plexus chakras. Citrine brings in wealth, abundance, joy, and a renewed sense of self. It is a ripe summer stone.
What is madeira citrine gemstone?
Madeira citrine is a style of citrine that is often made from heat treating amethyst to bring out beautiful, deep, and fiery shades of orange, red and brown. It is called madeira citrine after the brazilian word for ‘wood’ which pays homage to those deep earthy shades that the stone emanates.
Can citrine and rose quartz together?
Citrine and Rose Quartz are a great match for each other's moods. Citrine is positive and energized and can move you into a place of lighthearted love and play. Rose Quartz is all about compassion and softness. With these two crystals together, you can lead a life where you feel light as a feather, supported and held, and vibrant in your soul.
Are citrine and topaz the same thing?
No, citrine and topaz are two different minerals that come from two different families. Citrine belongs to the quartz family whereas topaz comes from the silicate mineral family. While both share similar hues of gold and yellow, citrine is actually tougher than topaz. Citrine is also energetically geared towards positivity, abundance, and energy whereas topaz is about harmony and empathy.
Can you wear citrine everyday?
Yes, Citrine is a great stone to wear everyday. As Citrine is full of sunny and bright energy it can be a gem that helps boost energy levels, surrounds you in positivity, welcomes in abundance, and keeps the sacral and solar plexus chakra clear. Wearing it everyday will keep you riding high and free from the weight of dark and anxious feelings.
How to manifest with citrine?
Citrine is a great gem for calling on the powers of manifestation. If you want to welcome abundance, wealth, and success, citrine is the stone to help you get there. To manifest with Citrine, hold the stone in your receiving hand and ask for what you want as clearly as possible. Visualize your life once you have received what you need and how that will feel. Thank the stone and then keep it close by for a few days -either in jewelry form, stashed in your pocket, or beneath your pillow.
How to tell citrine from topaz?
It can be tricky to visually separate topaz from citrine as both share similar shades and visual properties. Both are beautiful in their golden shades of yellow. Citrine is a harder stone than topaz so this may give some hint that you are holding this gem rather than the other. Citrine is also always transparent, whereas yellow topaz is sometimes transparent. Yellow Topaz can also have a fierier hue than citrine which can be softer and more gentle in its color scheme.
How to wear a citrine bracelet?
Call on the bright, positive healing power of citrine by wearing a citrine bracelet on your left hand. This is because your left hand is your receiving hand - meaning that you are ready to welcome in and absorb the energy that this bright and sunny gemstone has to give.
What crystals go with citrine?
Citrine is a bright and energetic stone that works in beautiful harmony with a whole host of other crystals. If you are looking for stones that suit citrine, you can choose Amethyst to balance out and bring its own gentle vibes. You can also look at Rose Quartz, Agate, Labradorite, and Tourmaline. If you want to double down on sunny warm energy look at Smoky quartz or Sunstone.
Are citrine and topaz the same?
While Citrine and Topaz share a similar color scheme and both heal the sacral and solar plexus chakras, they are actually very different gemstones and from different families. Citrine is a member of the quartz family whereas Topaz is from the silica mineral family. Topaz often has a fierier hue and is a great gem for empathy and harmony. Citrine is all about positive power, joy, and welcoming abundance.
Can Capricorns wear citrine?
Citrine can be a great crystal for Capricorns to wear. As a gemstone that promotes creativity, energy, and success and abundance, Capricorns will adore this stone. As Capricorns are super hard working members of the zodiac, citrine can ensure they have all the strength and support they need to keep going without suffering a burnout.
Does citrine scratch easily?
No, Citrine is a gemstone that scores a high 7 on the mohs hardness scale. That means that citrine can scratch metal, glass, and softer stones. Citrine is a hard and durable stone but that doesn’t mean that it can’t get scratched. You should always take care not to knock your citrine stone and to treat it with care.
How to activate citrine?
The best way to activate your citrine stone is to wear it. Having your citrine stone against the skin can help sync up vibrations and will invite the gemstone to get to work infusing you with energy, chasing out negativity, and keeping you riding high. You can also activate your citrine stone by holding it in your receiving hand and asking it for what you want.
Is citrine yellow or orange?
Citrine can be yellow or orange. Citrine comes in many different shades of yellow - it can be light and pale like gold or it can be dark and have earthy amber and orange hues within it too. The coloring of the citrine stone will depend on how high the concentration of iron is within the gemstone.
Is madeira citrine heat treated?
Yes, Madeira Citrine gets its reddish flare mingled with golden hues from being heat treated. It has a rare and unique color scheme that is named after the brazilian word for wood thanks to those deep earthy red rich shades. The reddish gold and orange hues are truly spectacular.
What does citrine do spiritually?
While its energy is centered around positivity and play, Citrine has big spiritual energy too. Connected to both the sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra, this gemstone can help with warrior strength, personal power, and the pleasure of feeling centered and grounded. It can also help to shift negative energy and ease you out of a place of darkness and anxiety. With these positive vibes on side it can also help you to manifest and welcome abundance.
What does orange citrine do?
Orange citrine is one of the most highly valued forms of citrine. This kind of vibrant orange or burnt yellow colored citrine is most often found in Brazil. Orange Citrine shares the same healing properties as yellow citrine although it can also have an earthy rich grounding feel to it too. Orange is also a spiritual color connected with the lower chakras so orange citrine will get to work on keeping those clear of blockages.
What is natural citrine?
Natural citrine refers to citrine that is born from nature. It is made up of silicon and oxygen and it gets its color from iron impurities or when the earth gets so hot that it naturally heats up amethyst or smoky quartz. Natural citrine is actually very rare and so modern citrine can also be created by treating amethyst or smoky quartz until it turns a golden or amber color. When the term natural citrine is used it is referring to citrine that has been heated by the earth rather than human hands.
Where is citrine found in the United States?
Citrine tends to come from the ural mountains of russia, along with spain, brazil, scotland and madagascar. However, there are also citrine mines in the USA. You can find Citrine mines in Colorado, California, and North Carolina.
Can I wear amethyst and citrine together?
Yes, Amethyst and Citrine are great stones to bring together as they balance and complement each other beautifully. Citrine is vibrant, sunny, and full of positive energy and Amethyst is serene and soul soothing. They are such a great combination that there is even a stone out there called Ametrine - which is a melding of amethyst and citrine.