Best Crystals for Positive Energy: Names & Healing Benefits


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Best Crystals for Positive Energy: Names & Healing Benefits


Positive energy crystals brighten your mood, enhance your well-being, and bring your surroundings into sweet harmony. All gemstones carry their own vibrations and healing properties and can be used as natural tools to elevate your daily life. For those who want to channel the power of positivity, this selection of stones is a simple way to bring more joy and optimism into your world. Crystals have assisted humanity since ancient times - from the Ancient Greeks to Native American tribes, many ancient civilizations called upon these stones for harmony and healing. Now, in the modern world, we are seeing a resurgence in how crystals can help us tap into our powers and raise our positivity. 

This article explores the best crystals for generating and maintaining positive energy. The more we understand these unique stones, the better equipped we are to integrate them into our daily lives, boost our mood, increase our vibrant vitality, and nurture emotional balance. 

What Are Positive Energy Crystals?

Definition and Characteristics

What makes a positive energy crystal? All crystals emit specific vibrations that align with higher frequencies. Some of these stones will ooze high vibrations that align with and promote feelings of positivity, clarity, and pure peace. Each crystal out there will also have a particular relationship with the chakras. We have seven chakras scattered across our body, which are core energy points contributing to an area of our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Positive crystals may have a deep and close relationship with certain chakras connected to joy, love, and optimism. These chakras are the heart chakra, the solar plexus chakra, and the crown chakra. 

How Positive Energy Crystals Work

Positive energy crystals are believed to work in harmony with human energy fields. Their specific molecular structures emit certain frequencies that interact with our vibrations. The crystal's unique vibrations can help clear blockages in the chakras, enhance energy flow, and replace negative energy with positive vibrations. All of this can also keep negative vibrations at bay, adding to feelings of brightness. 

Top Positive Energy Crystals and Their Benefits

There are many amazing crystals out there, each bringing unique properties to the party. Crystal healing can work across the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual plains - providing a balanced and beautiful commitment to your body, mind, and soul. Here, we sketch out the sweetest characteristics for lifting your mood and cultivating powerful and positive energy. 

Clear Quartz

Meaning and Properties: Known as the Master Healer, Clear Quartz is one of the best gemstones for overall energy enhancement and complete well-being. This star-bright stone can amplify energy, sharpen your thoughts, fine-tune your focus, and even amplify other crystals. 

Benefits: Clear Quartz crystals are one of the best gemstones for cleansing your aura, balancing energy, and promoting positivity. It can also assist with clear thinking and decision-making. 

Uses: You can turn to Clear Quartz daily by wearing it in gemstone jewelry form. You can also call on a Clear Quartz Palm Stone during meditation or energy healing practices. Placing it in a crystal grid will also amplify the energy of your other gemstones. 


Meaning and Properties: A potent and protective stone, the purple power of Amethyst is often connected to themes of spiritual growth, big emotional balance, and inner peace. This gemstone is a surefire soul healer.

Benefits: Amethyst crystals come with many amazing benefits - it will alleviate anxiety, reduce stress, encourage good sleep, clear headaches, and open your crown chakra - but it also fosters a positive mindset wherever you go. 

Uses: You can use Amethyst any time you are feeling stretched thin. Being in the presence of this stone will help you find stress relief in an instant so slip on an Amethyst bracelet and carry it with you. You can also keep it close to your bed for better sleep enhancement and meditate with it. 

Rose Quartz


Meaning and Properties: Known as the Stone of Love, the pretty pink Rose Quartz crystal comes loaded with self-love, compassion, and deep and meaningful emotional healing. 

Benefits: Rose Quartz crystals are gorgeous radiant gemstones with positive vibes. This sweet stone encourages positivity across all relationships - even the one you have with yourself. It will enhance feelings of love and harmony, open your heart chakra to trust, and deepen connections.

Uses: Rose Quartz is used for heart chakra healing or in any love rituals to deepen connections and replace fearful thinking with a sense of peace, particularly in love. You can also call on a Rose Quartz bracelet for its emotional support whenever you are feeling shaky. 


Meaning and Properties: Often called the Success Stone, Citrine is splashed with bright energy and brings abundance, prosperity, and positive energy. 

Benefits: This sunshine stone has myriad benefits. Citrine crystals can attract wealth, boost your confidence, and increase your motivation. It is a stone that awakens the solar plexus, which ups your feelings of self-worth and gives you a newfound zest for life. 

Uses: When you want to feel lucky, you can call on the yellow energy of Citrine. It can be a great stone to carry with you to manifest magic. You can also use it in abundance rituals or to step up your creativity. 

Black Tourmaline

Meaning and Properties: A powerful and protective stone, Black Tourmaline may not seem to shout positivity with its dark shades. However, this is one of the best gems for absorbing negative energy and promoting personal growth. 

Benefits: Black Tourmaline crystals can be used to protect against negativity. It also promotes grounding, an awesome vibe for staying solid and connected, and fostering a sense of unshakable safety. 

Uses: Use Black Tourmaline to get grounded, carry it with you for energy protection from bad vibes throughout the day, and cleanse the space around you. 

Tiger’s Eye

Meaning and Properties: Tiger Eye is one of the most powerful tools for promoting courage and confidence. This gemstone can enhance your willpower and promote a positive and sunny outlook on life.

Benefits: You can call on Tiger Eye crytsals to boost self-confidence, balance emotions, and promote mental clarity. It can also bring you into harmony with your intuition so you know when you need to practice boundaries or stay open. 

Uses: Tiger Eye Can Be Used for personal empowerment, to enhance focus, and to overcome feelings of hopelessness and fear. 

Lapis Lazuli

Meaning and Properties: Scattered with blues and gold, Lapis Lazuli is known for its deep connection to wisdom and truth. This gemstone can enhance self-awareness, deepen inner peace, and align creative play with spiritual style. 

Benefits: Lapis Lazuli crystals have a sense of mysticism, which fosters spiritual growth. It can also promote harmony and protect against negativity. With this beautiful stone on your side, you can carry positive emotions wherever you go.  

Uses: Lapis Lazuli is one of the best crystals for positivity and spiritual power. A Lapis Lazuli Worry Stone can be used in all kinds of spiritual practice and works well in meditation. It can also enhance communication and be used for crown, third eye, and throat chakra healing. 


Meaning and Properties: Sodalite is a surge of energy. This stone of logic and truth promotes positive, clean thinking and brings you into emotional balance. 

Benefits: You can use Sodalite to enhance your self-esteem, reduce your stress levels, and when you need a little help with clear communication. 

Uses: A Sodalite Bracelet can be used in everyday life to bring about emotional healing. It can also be very helpful in facilitating mental clarity and as a communication enhancement tool. 

Smoky Quartz

Meaning and Properties: A smoky type of quartz, this glorious grounding stone helps release pent-up negative energy and fosters a sparkling sense of emotional calm. 

Benefits: Smoky Quartz can be used as a stress buster. It also enhances your mental clarity and promotes grounding. This makes it an amazing decision-making tool, encouraging you to make choices that align with your authentic core. 

Uses: Smoky Quartz can be used in any mindful practice or during grounding exercises. A Smoky Quartz Bracelet can also clear negative energy spaces, shift emotional blockages, and alleviate stress. 


Meaning and Properties: As the name suggests, Sunstone is one of the best healing stones for bringing about joy and vitality. This stone promotes positivity and encourages a positive attitude in all that you do. 

Benefits: Sunstone can increase your energy, enhance your mood, and promote a sunny disposition and optimism. It works harmoniously with your lower chakras, especially the sacral and solar plexus chakras. 

Uses: Use Sunstone to heighten your personal empowerment, improve your mood, and boost energy. Wearing Sunstone in jewelry form can keep bad energy at bay and ensure you carry brighter vibes wherever you go. 

How to Use Positive Energy Crystals

Meditation and Spiritual Practices

One of the best ways to utilize positive crystals' bright and beaming energy is through meditation and spiritual practices. Meditating with positive crystals on or around your body can promote positive energy flow and keep bad vibrations at bay. You can also place these crystals on specific chakra points to enhance positive energy flow to that place or if you think you may have a block. 

Creating Crystal Grids for Positivity

Crystal grids are another awesome way of blending your crystals' healing powers and properties. Choose crystals that you think complement each other or stones that bring about the energy or properties you are seeking - for example, citrine for luck and joy, rose quartz for love and compassion, and amethyst for serenity and higher spirituality. Set your intention and then place these crystals in a grid format - you can choose a pattern such as the flower of life, circles, hexagons, etc. In the center of your grid, you place an amplifying crystal such as clear quartz. 

Wearing and Carrying Positive Energy Crystals

Carry positive energy wherever you go by wearing positive energy crystals in jewelry form or stashing them in your pocket or purse. When you carry these stones with you all day, you become a magnet for positive energy to flow your way. Continuous energy support, a boost of brightness, and repelling negative emotions are all benefits of carrying or wearing crystals. Some awesome combinations you can bring together are citrine and rose quartz for love and joy, black tourmaline and amethyst for spiritual protection, and clear quartz and lapis lazuli for creative clarity. 

Placing Crystals in Your Home or Workspace

Place healing crystals in your home, workplace, or creative studio to create a harmonious and happy environment. You can place these stones using your sense of intuition or turn to feng sui practice for help. Clear Quartz is an amplifying stone that can be placed in the center of your space to create a good flow of energy all around. You can place Black Tourmaline and Tiger's Eye at the entrance to your home to keep negative vibes away. Rose Quartz and Amethyst are great bedroom stones that encourage sweet dreams, soft sleep, and endless connection. 

Care and Maintenance of Positive Energy Crystals

Cleansing and Charging

Keeping your gemstones charged and cleansed is essential to their health and will keep them keeping you aligned with positive thinking. As crystals do a lot of heavy energy work, they can get stacked up with all the energy they have collected. A quick diffuse and recharge now and then will keep them fresh and working to the best of their capabilities. The best way to give your stones a little TLC is to use noninvasive methods such as placing them in the moonlight, smudging with your favorite incense, using sound cleansing, or even placing them in a salt bath or soil (depending on how soft the stones are). You can charge them by placing them in Selenite bowls or in the company of Clear Quartz.

Storing and Handling Crystals

Store your gemstones safely so you can avoid scratches and scrapes that may impact the surface of your ideal crystal. Store these gemstones in fabric pouches or fabric-lined drawers—separate from your other jewelry. Keep them away from extreme temperatures or direct sunlight that may cause the stones' coloring to fade. When handling your crystals, you may also want to set intentions. Holding the gem and having a clear thought on what intention you want to set can align the stone's goals with your own. 


Positive energy crystals are a must. You can't do better than this selection of stunning stones for those who want to boost their positive thinking, raise their energy game, and enhance their spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being. Positive crystals are also versatile, meaning they will bring other benefits to the table. Find gemstones that align with your purpose and improve your daily routines. Don't be afraid to explore our crystal shop, experiment with positive crystals, and seek gemstones with high healing benefits. Share your favorite gemstones with us - do you love heart healers? Those that form a barrier against negativity? Or do you love stones that bring a balanced mindset? Whichever beacon of positivity you choose, these stones can serve a deep sense of peace and a bright optimistic outlook. 


Which crystal is good for positive energy

Many beautiful crystals cultivate positive energy. Some excellent crystals to boost your mood include Citrine, Clear Quartz, the Amethyst crystal, Rose Quartz, and Sunstone. 

What crystal removes negativity

Black Tourmaline is one of the best crystals known for its protective properties. This is one of the crystals for protection that can forge a protective barrier and encourage you to own your personal power. 

Which is the most powerful crystal

Each radiant crystal brings its healing properties to the table and has its powers. One of the most potent crystals is Clear Quartz, which is known as the Master Healer. This gemstone can align the chakras, encourage clear thinking and a positive outlook, and amplify the powers of other stones, too. 

What are positive crystals

Positive crystals are happy stones that bring about feelings of joy, emotional balance, positive energy, and more. These gemstones usually emit vibrations or frequencies that interact with our energy fields and raise our sense of well-being. 


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