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9 Essential Reasons You Should Take Himalayan Salt Baths

pink himalayan salt against blue background

Pouring pretty pink salt crystals in your tub is about so much more than an indulgent soak. Salt baths can be an amazing way to soothe tired muscles, unwind the mind, and can help detox the body leaving you de-stressed and soft and soaking up all the benefits. 

Hailing from the Himalayan Mountains, humans have long been drawn to the pastel peace of salt from this region. From Himalayan salt lamps for purifying the air and filling our homes with peace to salt to season our food with love, there’s something potent and special about the crystals that come from the mountains that ripple across Pakistan. Pouring this sea salt into warm water also comes with more than a pinch of purity. For those who love the idea of letting saltwater wash away your woes, this guide can remind you of why life is best served with a pinch of salt…

What is Himalayan Pink Salt?

Sourced from the foothills that sit beneath the rising splendor of the Himalayan Mountains, pink Himalayan salt is considered to be one of the purest salts in the world. It is believed to come from the oceans that once surged in this spot over 250 million years ago. As the seabeds dried up and the landscape was covered with snow, ice, and lava, the salt that sat beneath was protected from the pollutants of the new world. 

Perhaps because of this, the salt is rich in minerals and even the color is determined by trace minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Some lovers of this lush rock salt say there are more than 80 trace minerals inside these rosy crystals. Not only is Himalayan pink salt pure eye candy but the inclusion of minerals, the sense of purity, and the natural healing benefits that come with saltwater make for a magical remedy for your body, mind, and soul.

Benefits of Himalayan Salt Vs epsom salt 

himilayan salt and towel

Epsom salts and Himalayan salts may share similar healing benefits and are utterly rejuvenating, they aren’t interchangeable and are actually different things. Epsom salts aren’t actually a type of salt, they are a mineral found in water that contains magnesium and sulfate. It gets the title as being a salt because it shares a similar crystalline structure to table salt and it takes the name Epsom after the English village where it was first found. Epsom salts tend to be used to help soothe aching or tired muscles.

Himalayan salts also contain magnesium and sulfate among their other long list of trace elements and minerals. Himalayan salt is mined from the foothills of the mountains and as it is minimally processed it is considered to be a super-pure salt of the earth. It shares similar features to other types of salt such as being antimicrobial and antibacterial, but the presence of other minerals also brings additional healing values and can even produce negative ions that can enter our bodies and neutralize the charge of toxins. Himalayan salt water can also help to reduce inflammation in the body. 

Bath Soak Health Benefits

woman sitting crosslegged with himalayan salt and candles

Soaking in the tub comes with tons of benefits after a long day, throw in some Himalayan sea salt and you boost the benefits. Mineral-rich bath water helps the mind to unwind, the body be soothed and even helps the skin soften. Soaking in a Himalayan bath also helps the body to absorb much-needed minerals as your skin cells can soak up everything from magnesium to zinc, copper and calcium, manganese and sodium. All of these add up to the body being replenished. With a bright dose of mineral magic, it can help to fight fatigue, ease aches and pains, and encourage restful and restorative sleep. Take a look at these other amazing benefits that come with a Himalayan soak…


Brimming with magnesium, Himalayan sea salt is a dab hand at helping the body to absorb that much-needed mineral. Magnesium does so much good for the body - including helping our nervous systems, helping turn food into energy, assisting in pain management, and so much more. As studies have shown that it's possible for the body to absorb magnesium via skin cells, soaking in steaming Himalayan bath water can do just that. 

Clear your sinuses

Anyone who has ever dived into the sea will know that saltwater works a true treat at clearing your sinuses. A saline rinse can work wonders at flushing out any thick or dried mucus and can also reduce inflammation in the nostrils which can be contributing to any blockage. Himalayan salt is also good for the respiratory system as it creates a healthy environment and purifies the air which can reduce the presence of bacteria, fungi, mould, and viruses.

Reduce bloating 

Himalayan salt can also draw toxins and excess water out of the body. If you are someone who suffers from the dreaded bloat, bathing in salt water can help you to get comfortable in your own skin. This has been a known remedy for centuries although it's often attributed to Epsom salts, the pink salt shares this same property. 

Relieve blisters and bites

The heaven-sent properties of Himalayan salt include it being antifungal, antibacterial, and antimicrobial. All of these things add up to a healing remedy when it comes to all kinds of skin ailments including blisters and bites. From pesky mosquitoes to stings and rashes from brushing against nettles or poison ivy, a salt bath can heal all woes. 

Better circulation

Poor circulation can bring a whole host of problems with it. From cold extremities to memory loss and lack of concentration, it's important to have warm blood pumping around the body. Soaking in a Himalayan salt bath can encourage better circulation. This is because the warm water can encourage arteries and veins to expand which can allow for the easier passage for blood to pump around the body.

Eczema, psoriasis

Rich in antimicrobial properties, Himalayan sea salt can be an excellent addition to any kind of body scrub or DIY facial spray as it is so good for bringing hydration to the skin. For those who have skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, Himalayan baths can help soothe itchy and irritated skin. 


Every day we are exposed to toxins - from food to air and even what we wear on our body. Having a little detox now and then helps to reduce the impact caused by such chemicals. By bathing in Himalayan salt baths, those minerals can get to work on our body as the magnesium can help enzymes, the negative ions neutralize damage, and the antimicrobial and antifungal properties draw out any bad stuff. 

Deeper sleep

A long sweet soak in a Himalayan salt bath helps stress melt away. Soaking in any bath is good for easing tension, but the addition of Himalayan pink salt heightens that sense of calm. Himalayan salt baths can also work with the negative ions in the air to charge up that chill factor. With muscles relaxed and the mind still, you are better equipped to enter a sweeter deeper and more rejuvenating sleep. 

Sore muscles

A Himalayan salt bath is also a great go-to for those who are struggling with sore muscles. Whether you have put your body through the paces or if you are in recovery, soaking in a Himalayan salt bath can reduce inflammation. Studies have shown that bathing in saline solutions is good for easing the body and the mind, both of which can help soothe tension and tightness that can contribute to muscle pain.

How to Make the Perfect Bath

woman in bath holding himalayan salt

Turn a Himalayan pink salt bath into a cleansing, soulful, and spiritual ritual and reap the benefits. Aside from the beautiful health benefits, soaking in a warm bath can grant you the chance to take time out and to truly focus on the bodily sensation that comes with sinking down into soft crystal salt water. Here’s how to create the perfect bath…

1. Hop in the shower to remove any excess oils, dirt, or cosmetic products from the body. Cleansing off excess dirt will help your body to soak up even more mineral magic and benefits from the salt. 

2. Fill the tub with steamy warm water. Don’t make the bath too hot but make sure it's super warm and comforting.

3. Add the pink Himalayan salt. You should aim for roughly around 1.28 ounces of salt per gallon of water. If that’s too tricky to figure out, just a handful or two should do the trick. Wait for it to fully dissolve.

4. If you want to up the soothing elements, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Pick oils that are soothing to the skin like lavender and rose and avoid those that can cause reactions and irritations like cinnamon and clove. 

5. Sometimes salt baths can dehydrate you as they pull out excess water and toxins from the skin. You can combat this by keeping a tall cool glass of water next to you and sipping it slowly as you soak in the tub. Staying hydrated should always be a plan whenever you are immersed in any hot water treatment.

6. Soak in the tub for as long as you feel - a minimum of ten minutes is enough to do the trick and let the magnesium and other minerals soak into your skin. You can bathe for up to 30 minutes if you truly want to take the time to fully unwind and carve out a little peace in your day. 

7. Bring an extra dose of delight to your skin by slicking on some natural moisturizer after you get out. Snuggle up in something warm and let that healthy rosy glow fill your mood right up. 


There’s a ton of anecdotal evidence that Himalayan salt baths come soaked in sweet healing benefits but as with any home treatment or remedy, make sure that you approach with care. Salt baths are considered safe but as with anything, there is always the risk of a sensitive reaction. Taking a quick dip to test your skin sensitivity and building up to a longer soak may be the best course of action. There are also other ways you can call on the healing benefits of pink salt. You can whip up a salty body scrub with pink salt and coconut oil to brighten your skin. You can also soak your feet to revive tired toes. You can bring gentle healing vibes to your space by lighting up a Himalayan pink salt lamp and you can use it in seasoning in place of regular table salt too. 

What are your thoughts on Himalayan pink salt baths? Are you a fan of a salty soak or do you prefer to kick back in a world of bubbles instead? Share with us in the comments.


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