How to Charge Crystals in the Full Moon: A Complete Guide


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How to Charge Crystals in the Full Moon: A Complete Guide


Every month, the moon's cycles help steer us, and our energetic bodies, and the height of the full moon can be an ideal time for rituals, including cleansing and charging your crystals. The full moon has so much potency to it. It is a time of peak Luna energy when its light is at its fullest brightness - revealing all and encouraging clarity and consciousness.  It is also a time of balanced energies, completion, and release, and this means that it is the right time to let your previous crystals release what they have collected over the past month so they are fresh and ready to do the work as we move into the next lunar cycle. 

Why Use the Full Moon to Charge Crystals?

1. The Energetic Impact of the Full Moon

The full moon is when lunar energy is strongest and most sublime. It is the peak of the lunar cycle and when the moon has maximum energy. It's a perfect time for releasing pent-up negativity, revisiting and resetting intentions, and enhancing crystal vibrations. 

2. Full Moon Charging Benefits

Charging your crystals is essential to keep them humming at high energy, and while some people turn to salt water and singing bowls for their cleansing and charging, the full moon is a perfect method as its non-invasive and amplifies the crystal's natural properties make it even more effective in healing and manifestation. The full moon will help you release any stagnant or negative energy the crystal has absorbed over the past cycle.

How to Charge Crystals in the Full Moon: Step-by-Step Guide

1. Prepare Your Crystals

Gather your crystals and ensure they are cleansed to make the most of the full moon. You can cleanse them using sound baths and tuning forks for sound vibrations, holding them underwater for a few seconds, placing them in a salt bath (if appropriate for the specific crystal), and smudging them with white sage, palo santo, or your favorite herb. You can also use a Tiny Rituals Sage Smudging Kit.

2. Select the Right Location

Place your crystals outdoors or on a windowsill where the direct moonlight can touch them. You can also place them on natural surfaces like wood or in soil so that they are grounded. 

3. Leave Them Out Overnight

Let your crystals bathe in the moonlight overnight. If you want to reach optimal results, expose them to the potent energy of the full moon for several hours or even place them in their spot from dusk until dawn. You can also enhance the energy absorption process by placing them in a Tiny Rituals Selenite Moon Recharging Bowl. 

Allow your crystals to bathe in the moonlight overnight. For optimal results, keep them exposed for several hours, ideally from dusk until dawn.

4. Set Your Intentions

As your crystals are charging, this is a powerful time to meditate or set personal intentions so they can also get clear on the energy you are sending them. Focus on what you want to manifest in the upcoming lunar cycle with clarity and consciousness, and even use visualization techniques. 

5. Retrieve Your Crystals in the Morning

Collect your crystals before sunrise if they are sensitive to sunlight (such as amethyst or rose quartz). For crystals not affected by sunlight, you can allow them to receive both moonlight and sunlight energy.

Best Crystals to Charge in the Full Moon

1. Moonstone: Enhancing Intuition

Moonstone is known as the stone of the moon, and therefore, it is an excellent stone for harmonizing with lunar energy. Rainbow Moonstone crystals works beautifully with the moon phases to boost intuition and emotional balance. 

Recommended Product: Tiny Rituals Moonstone Necklace for carrying lunar energy daily.

2. Amethyst: Spiritual Protection

Amethyst crystals are ideal for cleansing, soothing, and encouraging spiritual growth. It is a gem that truly benefits from full moon charging for those who want to amplify its healing properties.

Recommended Product: Tiny Rituals Amethyst Tumbled Stones for home or meditation use.

3. Clear Quartz: Amplifying Energy

Clear Quartz is known as the master healer but works wonders as an energy magnifier as it turns up the dial on the other crystals in its presence. Charging Clear Quartz crystals under a full moon can greatly enhance its power and make it an even more effective tool for manifestation. 

Recommended Product: Tiny Rituals Clear Quartz Wand for use in energy work and healing rituals.

4. Labradorite: Transformation and Protection

Labradorite crystals help you find your way through change and protects your energy field during the transition. Charging it under the full moon and using it in moon rituals is a great way to boost its transformational properties. 

Recommended Product: Tiny Rituals Labradorite Bracelet for wearing protective energy throughout the day.

Additional Rituals for Charging Crystals in the Full Moon

1. Crystal Grids

If you want to call in even more positive energy when it comes to full moon cleansing and charging, you can arrange your crystals in a crystal grid. This way, you encourage an even more powerful energy flow. Crystal grids are great ways of amplifying the moon's effects and can be one of the best spiritual practices you can turn to when it comes to manifestation. 

2. Meditation with Charged Crystals

Once charged, you can sit with your crystals in meditation, aligned with the moon energy, and focus on your sense of self-growth and reflection. 

Recommended Product: Tiny Rituals Chakra Crystal Set for a calming, crystal-powered practice.

3. Journaling and Reflection

You can also write down your intentions or goals when your crystals are charging. This helps to align with the energy of letting go and releasing what is no longer serving you. It can also help put you in the mindset for focusing on future aspirations. 


The full moon is a special time closely aligned with spirituality and the energy of release. It's the best time to charge your crystals and enhance their healing properties. This time of the month celebrates peak lunar energy and the illumination of the night sky, reminding us that there is always light, even in the darkest of times. Placing your crystals in the moonlight is an ideal opportunity for energetic rejuvenation and to put them in the best energetic frame for the month ahead and your new intentions.  

Explore Tiny Rituals to find ethically sourced crystals, charging tools, ritual kits, and much more to support your spiritual journey and the joys and challenges of daily life. 


What moon should you not charge crystals

The full moon is the ideal time of the lunar phase cycle to charge your crystals, as this is when peak lunar power has been reached. However, you may want to avoid charging on a new moon. 

When should you charge your crystals

You should aim to charge your crystals under the light of a full moon. At this time, lunar energetic vibrations are at their highest. It is also a great time for setting intentions as you enter a new cycle. 

Which crystals cannot be together

Some crystals work beautifully together; others may not have such complementary energy. For example, Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline are not the best matches, and Tiger Eye and Smokey Quartz can also cancel each other's energy out. 

How to manifest during a full moon

The best way to manifest during a full moon is to make a crystal grid and place it under the moonlight. You can then set clear intentions and meditate or journal, making your desires and needs known to the universe. 


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